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Sabtu, 23 Maret 2013

Sejarah Komputer dan Perkembangannya

Sejarah komputer yang perlu untuk diketahui secara detail. Sejarah perkembangan komputer berawal dari penemuan seorang yang bernama Charles Babbage. Dia adalah seorang ilmuwan di dunia yang telah banyak memberikan kontribusi bagi kehidupan manusia, terutama perkembangan komputer.

Penemuan fenomenalnya yaitu Mesin penghitung (Difference Engine no.1) merupakan salah satu penemuan yang paling terkenal dalam sejarah perkembangan komputer dan merupakan kalkulator otomatis pertama sebagai cikal bakal kompuer. Penemuan tersebut menjadikan Charles Babbage sebagai penemu konpur dan dijuluki sebagai bapak komputer.

Berikut ini sejarah komputer dan perkembanganya:

1822: Charles Babbage mengemukakan idenya yaitu sebuah alat yang dapat membantu manusia dalam melakukan penghitungan pada tingkat kompleksitas yang tinggi dan rumit. Mesin buatanya yang belum selesai tersebut saat ini di musiumkan di Museum of Science London.

1937: Dr. John V Atanasoff dan Clifford Berry mulai membuat design komputer digital elektronis pertama. Mereka memberi nama mesin tersebut ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer). Kemampuan mesin ABC tersebut hanya sebatas menghitung tambah dan pengurangan.

1943: Pada Perang Dunia 2, Seorang ilmuwan Inggris yang bernama Alan Turing mendesain komputer elektronik yang dibuat khusus bagi tentara Inggris. Tujuan pembuatan komputer tersebut agar dapat digunakan untuk menembus kode pertahanan Jerman.

1944: Howard Hathaway Aiken (Amerika) membuat yang diberi nama Mark I. Merupakan sebuah komputer hitung digital pertama. Komputer tersebut memiliki luas 7,45 kaki x 50 kaki, dengan berat 35 ton. Mark I sudah dapat digunakan untuk menghitung probabilitas.

1945: Dr. John von Neumann menulis sebuah konsep penyimpanan data. Pada saat itu masih berupa ide.

1946: Dr. John W. Mauchly dan J. Presper Eckert, jr. membuat komputer skala besar yang pertama, nama komputer tersebut adalah ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer). Dunia juga beranggapan kedua orang ini sebagai penemu komputer digital.

sejarah komputer

ENIAC komputer memiliki berat 30 ton, terdiri dari 18.000 lampu tabung (transistor ukuran besar), dengan lebar 30 kaki x 50 kaki, memakai tenaga 160.000 watt. Saat pertamakali dioperasikan Pertama seluruh jaringan listrik di wilayah Philadelphia mendadak mati.

ENIAC sedikit lebih maju dibandingkan Mark I yang hanya dapat menghitung. ENIAC tidak hanya memiliki kemampuan menghitung, tambah, kurang, kali, bagi, tapi juga dapat diprogram untuk melakukan proses sederhana.

1951: The U.S. Bureau of Cencus menginstalasi komputer komersial pertama yang bernama  UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer). UNIVAC I ini dikembangkan oleh Mauchly dan Eckert untuk Remington-Rand Corporation.

1947: William Shockley, John Bardeen, dan Walter Brattain merupakan penemu Transistor pertama di dunia. Semenjak ditemukanya transistor, ukuran komputer menjadi semakin kecil.

Demikian sejarah perkembangannya komputer yang berasal dari dari berbagai sumber, semoga bermamfaat!

Harga Laptop HP Terbaru 2013

Bagi teman teman yang ingin membeli laptop HP, bisa lihat daftar harga dan spec nya disini. 
 Mungkin daftar harga laptop berikut ini berbeda tiap daerah.  
Merk & Type
Price (Rp)
Diff (Rp)
HP 1000-1109TU
Intel B820 1.7Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Intel GMA, Wifi, Bluetooth, , Card Reader, Non OS
HP 1000-1111TU
Core i3 2370M 2.4Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Intel GMA, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
HP Compaq 430
Core i3 380M 2.5Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Intel GMA, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
HP Compaq 430
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Intel GMA, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
HP Compaq 430
Core i5 2410M 2.3Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Intel GMA, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
HP Compaq 430
Core i5 2430M 2.4Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Intel GMA, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
HP Compaq 431
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 6470 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
HP EliteBook 2170p
Intel Core i5-3427U, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, GbE NIC, Modem MDC v.92, WiFi, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, VGA Intel HD Graphics 4000, Camera, 11.6inch WXGA, Win7 Pro 64 bit
HP EliteBook 2560p (3PC)
Intel Core i5-2410M, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, 3G Modem, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, VGA Intel HD Graphics 3000, Camera, 12.5inch WXGA, Win7 Pro 32 bit
HP EliteBook 8470p
Intel Core i5-3360M, 4GB DDR3, 750GB HDD, DVD-ROM, GbE NIC, Modem, WiFi, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, VGA Intel HD Graphics 4000, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Pro 64 bit
HP Envy 4-1024TU Sleekbook
Core i3 2367M 1.4Ghz, 4GB, 320GB, No Optical Drive, 14.1” WXGA, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Basic
HP Envy 4-1112TX Sleekbook
Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 4GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, 14.1” WXGA, AMD Radeon HD 7670M 2GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 8
HP Envy M6-1113TX
Core i7 3632QM 2.2Ghz, 8GB, 750GB, DVDRW, 15.6” WXGA, AMD Radeon HD 7670M, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 8
HP Envy Spectre XT13-2002TU
Core i7 3517U 1.9Ghz, 4GB, 256GB SSD, No Optical Drive, 13.3” WXGA, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Premium
HP Envy Spectre XT13-2108TU
Core i7 3517U 1.9Ghz, 4GB, 256GB SSD, No Optical Drive, 13.3” WXGA, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 8
HP Folio 13-1001TU
Core i5 2467M 1.6Ghz, 4GB, 128GB SSD, No Optical Drive, 13.3” WXGA, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Premium
HP G4-1125TU
Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Intel GMA, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Basic
HP G4-1126TU
Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Intel GMA, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Basic
HP G4-1129TX
Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 6470 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Basic
HP G4-1130TX
Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 6470 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Basic
HP G4-1212TX
Core i5 2430M 2.4Ghz, 2GB, 640GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 6470 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
HP G4-1214TX
Core i5 2430M 2.4Ghz, 2GB, 640GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 6470 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Basic
HP G4-1311TU
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
HP G4-1314TU
Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 2GB, 640GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
HP G4-1318TX
Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 4GB, 750GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 7450M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
HP G4-1335TX
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB, 640GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 7450M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
HP G4-1336TX
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB, 640GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 7450M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
HP G4-1337TX
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB, 640GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 6470M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Basic
HP G4-1338TX
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB, 640GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 6470M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Basic
HP G4-2113TU
Core i3 3110M 2.3Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Basic
HP Mini Note 110-4112
Intel Atom N2600 1.6Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, 10.1” WSVGA, Intel GMA, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, Card Reader, Non OS
HP Mini Note 110-4133
Intel Atom N2600 1.6Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, 10.1” WSVGA, Intel GMA, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, Card Reader, Non OS
HP Mini Note 200-4221
Intel Atom N2600 1.6Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, 10.1” WSVGA, Intel GMA, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, Card Reader, Non OS
HP Mini Note 200-4222
Intel Atom N2600 1.6Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, 10.1” WSVGA, Intel GMA, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, Card Reader, Non OS
HP Mini Note 200-4223
Intel Atom N2600 1.6Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, 10.1” WSVGA, Intel GMA, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, Card Reader, Non OS
HP Mini Note 210-4015
Intel Atom N2800 1.86Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, 10.1” WSVGA, Intel GMA, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, Card Reader, Win 7 Starter
HP Mini Note 210-4025
Intel Atom N2800 1.86Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, 10.1” WSVGA, Intel GMA, Camera, Wifi, Bluetooth, Card Reader, Win 7 Starter
HP Pavilion 14-B008AU Sleekbook
AMD E1-1200 1.4Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Camera, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7310, 14” WXGA, Non OS
HP Pavilion 14-B009AU Sleekbook
AMD E1-1200 1.4Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Camera, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7310, 14” WXGA, Non OS
HP Pavilion 14-B012TX Sleekbook
Core i3 3217U 1.8Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Camera, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT630 1GB, 14” WXGA, Win 8
HP Pavilion 14-B013TX Sleekbook
Core i3 3217U 1.8Ghz, 2GB, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Camera, Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT630 1GB, 14” WXGA, Win 8
HP Pavilion DM4-3001TX
Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 4GB, 750GB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 7470M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Premium
HP Pavilion DM4-3002TX
Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 4GB, 1TB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 7470M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Premium
HP Pavilion DM4-3115TX
Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 4GB, 1TB, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 7570M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Premium
HP Pavilion DV6-6112TX
Core i7 2720QM 2.2Ghz, 8GB, 1TB, DVDRW, Wifi, Camera, Bluetooth, Ati Radeon HD 6770M 1GB, 15.6” WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
HP Pavilion DV6-6167TX
Core i7 2670QM 2.2Ghz, 4GB, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Camera, Bluetooth, Ati Radeon HD 6490M 1GB, 15.6” WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
HP Pavillion DM1-4000AU
AMD E-450 1.65Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB SATA, No Optical Drive, 11.6” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 6320, Wifi, Camera, Bluetooth, Card Reader, Win 7 Starter
HP Pavillion DV4-3129TX
Core i5 2430M 2.4Ghz, 4GB, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Camera, Bluetooth, Ati Radeon HD 6750M 1GB, 14.1” WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
HP Pavillion DV4-3130TX
Core i5 2430M 2.4Ghz, 4GB, 640GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Camera, Bluetooth, Ati Radeon HD 6750M 1GB, 14.1” WXGA, Win 7 Home Premium
HP Presario CQ43-304AU
AMD E-300 1.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB SATA, DVDRW, 14” WXGA, Ati Radeon HD 6310, Wifi, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
HP Presario CQ43-414TU
Intel B815 1.6Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, 14.1” WXGA, Wifi, DVDRW, Camera, Card Reader, Intel GMA, Non OS
HP Probook 4331s
Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Ati Radeon HD 6490 1GB, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win 7 Pro
HP Probook 4430s
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS
HP Probook 4430s
Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, Intel HD, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS
HP ProBook 4431s
Intel Core i3-2330M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA AMD Radeon HD 6490M 1GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 64 bit, No Bag
HP ProBook 4440s
Intel Core i5-3210M, 4GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, VGA Intel HD Graphics 4000, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS
HP ProBook 4441s
Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, AMD Radeon HD 7650M 2GB, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS
HP ProBook 5330m 9PA
Intel Core i5-2520M, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, VGA Intel HD Graphics 3000, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 64 bit
Sekian Infonya semoga bermamfaat gan!

Daftar Harga Laptop Lenovo Terbaru 2013

Daftar Harga Laptop Lenovo Maret 2013

Daftar Harga Laptop Lenovo Terbaru 2013

Harga Laptop Lenovo Terbaru 2013! Berikut adalah keluaran terbaru dari Laptop yang bermerk LENOVO!Yaudah, tanpa basa-basi lasung saja, chekidot. . . . . .
Daftar Harga Laptop Lenovo Terbaru 2013
Merk & Type
Price (Rp)
Diff (Rp)
Lenovo B475-6883
AMD A6 3400M 1.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, AMD Radeon HD6520G, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo B480-2837
Core i3 2328M 2.2Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, Intel HD, Camera, Win 8
Lenovo E135 A11
AMD Dual Core E2-1800, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA AMD Radeon Graphics HD 7340, Camera, 11.6" WXGA, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E120-6FA
Core i3 2367M 1.4Ghz, 11.6” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Intel GMA, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E120-6GA
Core i3 2367M 1.4Ghz, 11.6” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Intel GMA, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E120-RU9
Core i3 2367M 1.4Ghz, 11.6” WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 320GB, No Optical Drive, Intel GMA, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E125-36A
AMD E-450 1.65Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Ati Radeon HD 6320, 11.6” WXGA, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E125-37A
AMD E-450 1.65Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Ati Radeon HD 6320, 11.6” WXGA, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E130-4GA
Core i3 3217U 1.8Ghz, 11.6” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E130-4HA
Core i3 3217U 1.8Ghz, 11.6” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E130-A96
Core i3 2365M 1.4Ghz, 11.6” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E130-A97
Core i3 2365M 1.4Ghz, 11.6” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E135-A11
AMD E2 1800 1.7Ghz, 11.6” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, AMD Radeon HD 7340, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E135-A14
AMD E2 1800 1.7Ghz, 11.6” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, AMD Radeon HD 7340, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E330-A31
Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 13.3” WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Nvidia Geforce GT610M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E330-A32
Core i3 2330M 2.2Ghz, 13.3” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Intel HD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E330-A85
Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 13.3” WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Nvidia Geforce GT610M 1GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Camera, Card Reader, Win 7 Home Basic
Lenovo Edge E420-RA3
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, Intel HD, DVDRW, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, Wifi, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E420-RA4
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, Intel HD, DVDRW, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, Wifi, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E430-A11
Core i7 3612QM 2.1Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, Nvidia Geforce GT630M 2GB, DVDRW, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, Wifi, Win 7 Pro
Lenovo Edge E430-A25
Core i5 2520M 2.5Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, Intel HD, DVDRW, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, Wifi, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E430-AB6
Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, Intel HD, DVDRW, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, Wifi, Non OS
Lenovo Edge E430-AG6
Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, Intel HD, DVDRW, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, Wifi, Win 7 Pro
Lenovo Edge E430-AQ7
Core i5 2520M 2.5Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, Nvidia Geforce GT630M 2GB, DVDRW, Bluetoo th, Fingerprint, Wifi, Win 7 Pro
Lenovo Edge E430-AU2
Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, Nvidia Geforce GT630M 2GB, DVDRW, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, Wifi, Win 7 Pro
Lenovo Edge E430-AU4
Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 750GB, Intel HD, DVDRW, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, Wifi, Win 7 Home Basic
Lenovo G470-0137
Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Intel HD, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo G470-0156
Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Ati Radeon HD 6370M 1GB, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo G470-3202
Core i5 2450M 2.4Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Intel GMA, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo G470-7577
Intel B820 1.7Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 320GB, DVDRW, Intel GMA, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo G470-9919
Core i5 2520M 2.5Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Intel GMA, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo G480-1457
Core i3 2328M 2.2Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Intel HD, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo G480-5801
Pentium B960 2.1Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Intel HD, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo G480-9140
Core i3 3110M 2.4Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Nvidia Geforce G610M 1GB, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo G480-9433
Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Nvidia Geforce G610M 1GB, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo G485-6709
AMD E300 1.3Ghz, 2GB, 320GB, Ati Radeon HD 6320M, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Camera, DVDRW, 14.1” WXGA, Non OS
Lenovo S200
Intel Atom N2600 1.6Ghz, 2GB DDR3 (1 Slot SODIMM), 320GB, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Card Reader, No Optical Drive, Camera, Intel HD, 11.6” WXGA, Non OS
Lenovo S206
AMD C60 1.0Ghz, 2GB DDR3 (1 Slot SODIMM), 320GB, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Card Reader, No Optical Drive, Camera, AMD Radeon HD 6290, 11.6” WXGA, Win 7 Home Basic
Lenovo S300
Pentium 997 1.6Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, Intel HD, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo S400
Core i3 2365 1.4Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, No Optical Drive, Wifi, Bluetooth, 14” WXGA, Intel HD, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo T420-6RA
Core i5 2540M 2.6Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, Nvidia N12P-GV 1GB, DVDRW, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, Wifi, Win 7 Pro
Lenovo T420-JG9
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, Intel GMA, DVDRW, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, Wifi, Non OS
Lenovo T430-AP3
Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, HDD 500GB + SSD 32GB, Intel HD, DVDRW, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, Wifi, Win 7 Pro
Lenovo U300s-5349
Core i7 2677M 1.8Ghz, 13.3” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 256GB SSD, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 7 Home Premium
Lenovo U310-5877
Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 13.3” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 320GB+32GB SSD, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 7 Home Premium
Lenovo U310-8188
Core i3 3217U 1.8Ghz, 13.3” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 320GB, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Non OS
Lenovo U310-8189
Core i3 3217U 1.8Ghz, 13.3” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 320GB, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Non OS
Lenovo U310-8190
Core i3 3217U 1.8Ghz, 13.3” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 320GB, Intel HD, No Optical Drive, Bluetooth, Wifi, Non OS
Lenovo U410-1250
Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD + 32GB SSD, Nvidia Geforce G610M 1GB, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 7 Home Premium
Lenovo U410-1253
Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD + 32GB SSD, Nvidia Geforce G610M 1GB, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 7 Home Premium
Lenovo U410-1254
Core i5 3317U 1.7Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB HDD + 32GB SSD, Nvidia Geforce G610M 1GB, Bluetooth, Wifi, Win 7 Home Premium
Lenovo U410-1308
Core i3 3217U 1.8Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, Nvidia Geforce G610M 1GB, Bluetooth, Wifi, Non OS
Lenovo U410-1310
Core i3 3217U 1.8Ghz, 14.1” WXGA, Camera, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, Nvidia Geforce G610M 1GB, Bluetooth, Wifi, Non OS
Lenovo V470c 164
Intel Core i3-2350M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, VGA Intel HD Graphics 3000, Camera, 14" WXGA, Non OS
Lenovo V480 098
Intel Core i7-3632QM, 4GB DDR3, 750GB HDD, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, VGA NVIDIA GT630M 1GB, Camera, 14" WXGA, Non OS
Lenovo X1-3DA
Core i5 2520M 2.5Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 160GB SSD, Wifi, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, No Optical Drive, Intel HD, Camera, 13.3" WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Lenovo X220-6EA
Core i5 2450M 2.5Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 320GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, DVDRW Ext., Intel HD, Camera, 12.5" WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Lenovo X220-KG4
Core i5 2540M 2.6Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 320GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, DVDRW Ext., Intel HD, Camera, 12.5" WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Lenovo X220i-1P7
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 4GB DDR3, 500GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, DVDRW Ext., Intel HD, Camera, 12.5" WXGA, Non OS
Lenovo X230-5FA
Core i5 3210M 2.5Ghz, 4GB DDR3, HDD 500GB + SSD 32GB, Wifi, Bluetooth, Fingerprint, DVDRW Ext., Intel HD, Camera, 12.5" WXGA, Win 7 Pro
Lenovo Z370-7023
Core i3 2350M 2.3Ghz, 13” WXGA, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Intel HD, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Camera, Non OS
Lenovo Z480-3031
Core i3 3110M 2.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT640M 2GB, Camera, Card Reader, 14" WXGA, Non OS
Lenovo Z480-3032
Core i3 3110M 2.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT640M 2GB, Camera, Card Reader, 14" WXGA, Non OS
Lenovo Z480-3033
Core i3 3110M 2.4Ghz, 2GB DDR3, 500GB, DVDRW, Wifi, No Bluetooth, Nvidia Geforce GT640M 2GB, Camera, Card Reader, 14" WXGA, Non OS

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Harga Notebook Axioo Terbaru 2013

Harga Notebook Axioo Terbaru 2013
Harga Notebook Axioo Maret 2013 – Sobat harga Produk baru, pada kesempatan kali ini, Saya akan berbagi mengenai daftar harga notebook Axio terbaru 2013. Yup Kalau dilihat tentang Harga Notebook terbaru ini relatif stagnan. Nah Untuk mengetahui secara detail tentang harga notebook axioo maret 2013, simaklah daftar dibawah ini:
Harga Notebook Axioo Terbaru 2013
Merk & Type
Price (Rp)
Diff (Rp)
Axioo Neon CLW.3.522 
Core i3-380M, 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 12inch WXGA, Non OS, Black 
Axioo Neon CLW.5.620 
Core i5-480M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 12inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon CLW.7.620 
Core i7-620M, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 12inch WXGA, Non OS, Black 
Axioo Neon CLW.7.846 
Core i7-640M, 4GB DDR3, 640GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 12inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon CLW.P.122 
Dual Core P6200, 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA, Camera, 12inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon CNW.3.212 
Core i3-350, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, VGA Integrated, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon CNW.P.112 
Dual Core P6200, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon HNM.3.120 
Core i3, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon HNM.3.220 
Core i3-2332, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel HD Graphics 3000, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon HNM.5.320 
Core i5, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon HNM.5.420 
Core i5-2430, 2GB DDR3, 500GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon HNM.7.047 
Core i7-2630M, 4GB DDR3, 750GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon HNM.7.247 
Core i7-2670M, 4GB DDR3, 750GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA HD 256MB (shared), Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon HNM.C.512 
Pentium B800, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel HD Graphics 3000, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon HNM.P.012 
Pentium B940, 1GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel GMA HD, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon HNM.P.022 
Pentium B940, 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, DVD±RW, GbE NIC, WiFi, Bluetooth, VGA Intel HD Graphics 3000, Camera, 14inch WXGA, Non OS 
Axioo Neon HNW.C.512 
Intel B800 1.5Ghz, 1GB, 250GB, DVDRW, 14.1inch WXGA, Card Reader, Camera, Wifi, Non OS 
Axioo Pico PJM A318 
Intel Atom N435 1.33Ghz, 1GB DDR3, 8GB USB, No Optical Drive, 10inch WSVGA, Camera, Wifi, No Modem, No Bluetooth, Non 3G, Card Reader, Non OS 
Axioo Pico PJM715 
Atom N455, 1GB DDR3, 250GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA3150 256MB (shared), Camera, 10.1inch WSVGA, Non OS 
Axioo Pico PJM722 
Atom Dual Core N570 (1.5 Ghz), 2GB DDR3, 320GB HDD, Wifi, Webcam, HDMI, Non OS 
Axioo Zetta MMT.2.622 
Core2 Duo SU9600, 2GB DDR2, 120GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA 4500, Camera, 13inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 
Axioo Zetta MMT.2662 3G 
Core2 Duo SU9600, 2GB DDR2, 120GB HDD, NIC, HSDPA, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA 4500, Camera, 13inch WXGA, Win7 Home Premium 
Axioo Zetta MMT.P.332 
Pentium SU2700, 3GB DDR2, 120GB HDD, NIC, WiFi, VGA Intel GMA 4500, Camera, 13.3inch WXGA, Win Vista Home Premium 
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